Production Release v2.9.4
Scheduled Maintenance Report for showdme
Showdme Production Release v2.9.4 has been completed.

Find additional details about this release in Showdme Wiki Space:
Posted Dec 17, 2022 - 10:57 EST
In progress
We are currently deploying a new version of Showdme application to Production servers.
Scheduled maintenance is in progress.

You may encounter performance issue or short outages.
We will send another update once deployment is complete.
Posted Dec 17, 2022 - 05:26 EST
We will be deploying a new version of Showdme application to Production servers which will begin as scheduled in 1 hour.

You may encounter performance issue or short outages.
We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Dec 17, 2022 - 04:01 EST
We will be undergoing scheduled maintenance during this time.
Posted Dec 16, 2022 - 10:30 EST
Please be advised for the updated release schedule on December 17, 2022 which is 05:00am to 10:00am EST with Release Version: v2.9.4.

During the release window, Showdme Desktop and Mobile Application may encounter performance issue or short outages.

We will keep you posted for any updates. Thank you!
Posted Dec 16, 2022 - 09:59 EST
This scheduled maintenance affected: Desktop Site (Learning Paths, Admin Tools, People Directory), Integrations (HHaX Integration, Integration), Reminders and Notifications (Email and SMS), Management Portal (SA Dashboard), Mobile Site, and Reporting (Learning Path Report, Notifications Report).